Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How Many Traumatic Events Can We Fit In 12 Weeks?

Well... let's give it a shot! The story of my poor baby's first 12 weeks...
1-BIRTH: Yes, I was told it was traumatic for Linc. Maybe the plunging heart rate or the cord so sweetly rapped around his neck-thank Heavens for the very skilled Dr. Savage who whipped that thing off before Ian even knew what was wrong (I couldn't see...)-but yes, birth is traumatic.
2-SHORTLY AFTER BIRTH: ECG, Echo, and Holter monitor= 1 Day in the Special Care.
3-STAIRS: Yes people, I fell down the stairs with me sweet baby. Again, Heaven watches us! He was buckled in his carrier!! Didn't stop the blood curdling scream, but he was safe:) My bum not so much but who cares!
4-SHOTS: I felt evil...making my sweet baby laugh and coo and then WHAM two girls jab needles into his precious thighs! AHHH!!
5-TEETHING: Need I say more?
6-CAR ACCIDENT: And of course, the kicker. Yesterday, on University Ave. in front of Provo High some twit rams the car behind me who had no choice but to hit me too:( Yes, dead stop and BAM!!! It felt like a baseball bat to the back of the head, really! I jumped out and ran to my sweet boy who was shrieking! And he had thrown-up on himself :( Oh poor baby! But once again, I love his carrier. Nice and safe (so it seems...). I feel as if I did1,000 sit-ups with my neck but sweet baby seems ok:)
But really? Are you SERIOUS!? My poor baby boy.


  1. wow sis you have a rought start things will get better!

  2. Hey! I just came across your blog! I always fear tripping down the stairs while holding Rylee - how scary!! And a car wreck? I can't even imagine how scary that was! Glad you all are OK. And CUTE pictures of your little man. He is so dang cute.
