Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ahh, Robert's...

So, cool story. The other night, my friend and co-worker, Nicole, and I went to the craft store. Clearly Robert's is the best in town so that's where we headed. Nicole needed to pick out some Christmas paper to make the Christmas count down blocks and I tagged along for moral support. My husband was going to pick me up from Roberts on his way home (it's right on the way). So, Nicole and I finished our shopping and headed outside to wait for my hubby. It was 6:07pm (funny how things sear into your memory...). As we were talking, all of the sudden, there was a really loud crash/scrap/breaking noise. I turn around towards Orem Blvd. and I was like, "what just happened?" Nicole was like, "that car just hit the motorcycle!" It was already dark so everything was just kind of black. We were only like fifty feet away so we started walking and then running over there. We were the first on the scene! We went to the motorcyclist and he was like half kneeling on the ground. Luckily he was ok, what we would have done if he was really hurt...no clue. So I talked to the guy asking him if he were ok and all that jazz. His shoe had been knocked off so I grabbed it for him, BUT before I touched anything I asked him if he wanted me to take pictures (thank you CSI/Law and Order SVU) he said no. Kind of sad, I wanted to be cool. :( So, I gave him his shoe. Nicole found his glasses. And then I started directing traffic. Nicole had to hold up the girl's dumper so she could pull in the turn lane. Her dumper was practically torn off her car. By the way, Nicole and I were running on adrenalin completely. Dang. Unreal. So, as we are doing this, another APX employee shows up! Protecting families, on and off the clock! He had been behind the driver of the car. He help the motorcyclist pick up his HUGE motorcycle that was lying in the road. Nicole and I started gathering broken glass and car/motorcycle parts out of the road. The police arrived and it was all over. 5 minutes. Seriously. So much happened...yikes. Scary. Crafts and car accidents, who would have known. ps. We decided it was most likely the motorcyclists fault in the accident. And, he was not wearing a helmet.

1 comment:

  1. i still can't believe this all happened and that chandler randomly appreared there too. so crazy!
